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Conservation Commission Minutes 01/13/2011
Chichester Conservation Commission
DRAFT Minutes of Meeting January 13, 2011 DRAFT

Members present:  Gordon Jones, Zack Boyajian, Robert Mann, Dawn Marshall, Blaze Konefal,

Chairman Mann opened the public hearing at 7:09pm.   Notice of hearing:

Notice is hereby given that the Chichester Conservation Commission shall hold a public hearing on Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 7:00pm at the Chichester Grange Hall during a regular meeting of the Commission for the purposes of receiving public testimony on the proposal to expend funds for the purpose of withdrawing funds from the conservation fund to complete a Forest Management Plan for Town owned lands.
Per order of the Commission, Robert Mann, Chairman

There being no public comment, the hearing was closed at 7:12pm and the regular meeting begun.
The minutes of 12/9/10 were reviewed and a motion for approval was made.  Motion passes.

Bob reported that secretarial services for CCC have been cut from the proposed 2011 budget, so recording is on a volunteer basis.

NHACC membership bill for $225 dated 12/7/10.   Motion to pay.  Motion passes.

Management of Town Lands:

The establishment of a Forest Maintenance Trust Fund and designation of Town Forest by 1988 Town Meeting was discussed.   Blaze has researched the Trust Fund in Annual Reports and found a positive fund balance in the 2009 report.  Whether this meets the RSA 31:113 need for a “special forest maintenance fund” is in question.   The article introduced into the 2011 warrant may be a duplicate but will remain just in case.   CCC will take the matter up with Selectmen in February.   

Blaze will complete his research for that meeting.   

As no record has been found of specific lots designated as Town Forest, Zack will draft articles for designation of Spaulding Lot and the lots which comprise the Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area as Town Forests and distribute to the CCC and then to Selectmen for inclusion in the warrant.

Bob's draft of a Land Management RFP was discussed.  RFP will request separate fee for each of 3 properties.  Proposal due 2/28/11, interviews with short list candidates 4/14/11, selection by 4/29/11.   Project completion by 9/1/11.   Bob to redraft RFP, Gordon to send out to Foresters, Zack to serve as information contact.   Zack will inform Parks and Recreation Committee of the project.  Motion by Gordon, second by Dawn to send out redrafted RFP and proceed as noted above.  Motion passes.

Report by Zack of field meeting 12/10/10 with Mr & Mrs Leach and Bee Hole Beavers about relocation of snowmobile trail at Carpenter Park.  Due to objections to new trail location, the trail will be moved only in area of horseshoe pit this year.   Parks and Rec Committee will apply for a trail grant for trail around perimeter of sports field area.

GPS unit.   Blaze explained some of the features of the new unit.   The unit may need a card for data layer including secondary roads and topo information.  Purchase to be discussed after Town Meeting budget approval.  Field workshop to demonstrate GPS use will be arranged in the spring.   Jeff Andrews to attend.

Motion to adjourn at 9:03pm.   Motion passes.  

Not yet approved.

Robert Mann, Chairman